Our Partners
Commit to Connect is guided by an Advisory Committee representing a variety of perspectives. These partners provide critical insight and input that help shape Commit to Connect. These partners are:
- AARP Foundation
- ADvancing States
- Aging and Disability Business Institute
- American Association of Service Coordinators
- The Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs (ATAP)
- Consumer Technology Association Foundation
- Foundation for Social Connection
- Generations United
- Healthy Places by Design
- Meals on Wheels America
- National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC)
- National Assistive Technology Act Technical Assistance and Training (AT3) Center
- National Council on Aging
- National Indian Council on Aging
- No Wrong Door, Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services
- Older Adults Technology Services (OATS)
- The Coalition to End Social Isolation and the Foundation for Social Connection
- Title VI Directors Association
- University of Colorado’s Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering (CIDE)
- USAging (Coordinating Center)
Commit to Connect is also guided by a Scientific Advisory Group.
The initiative is shaped by organizations that are dedicated to improving engagement, well-being, and access to services for older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers across the United States. This includes:
- AARP Foundation
- ADvancing States
- AT3 (the state Assistive Technology Act programs technical assistance resource center)
- Georgia Tech Pass it On Center
- LeadingAge Center for Aging Services Technology (CAST)
- Meals on Wheels America
- Older Adults Technology Services (OATS)
- The Coalition to End Social Isolation and the Foundation for Social Connection
- The Colorado Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering
- The Consumer Technology Association Foundation
- USAging
- The National Council on Aging